Most animals manufacture Vitamin C, in their livers, 
which gives them some protection from fluoride damage,


On poor diets, low in Vit. C,  humans and guinea pigs
will suffer more damage than most other animals
even on low doses of fluoride. Guinea pigs
are therefor better experimental
animals than rats or mice.
[ If we must experiment on animals. ]

Lab Rat f

Full text   HERE ← 

Vitamin C Supplements for Guinea Pigs
Dr. Jeff Rhody, DVM

     For the biologic machinery of the body to work correctly, vitamin C is required.
Most animals can manufacture vitamin C in their bodies and do not require vitamin C in the diet.
Guinea pigs, humans, and other primates share a gene mutation that makes production of vitamin C impossible. For this reason, these animals require a dietary source of vitamin C.

Guinea pigs who do not receive enough vitamin C in their diet can suffer from vitamin C deficiency (commonly known as scurvy in humans). Affected guinea pigs may have a rough hair coat, lack of appetite, dental pain, delayed wound healing, lameness, and an inability to fend off infections. Guinea pigs with a slight vitamin C deficiency may show no visible signs of disease; however, their immune system may be compromised leading to decreased ability to fight off other illnesses….

Full text   HERE ← 

Vitamin C 

John A. Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D.

Vit.c strip



The Global Decline in Tooth Decay correlates
with reduced Airborne Lead (Pb) but water
Fluoridation prevents further progress.

Information Supplied by Dr. Geoffrey Norman Pain

Full text  → HERE


Fluoride increases the lead level in blood and in calcified tissues of rodents [Sawan 2010].

Australian median Lead levels in children have not declined since the final cessation of the use of Lead in motor fuel in 2002, indicating Lead from water, food and contaminated soil are still producing unacceptable poisoning of the general population [Taylor 2014].
[ See our paper on  → LEAD IN AVIATION FUEL ]

Most of the world recognizes that the only safe level of Lead is Zero, however Australian agencies including the NHMRC, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ), the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare have been reluctant to coordinate systematic data collection including blood analysis or to lower allowable or action levels for Lead [Taylor 2014].
Their continued endorsement of deliberate Lead contamination through water Fluoridation prevents them from trying to achieve the Zero target.


Reduction of airborne Lead pollution following the phase-out of Tetraethyl Lead in motor fuel is the most plausible explanation for the very large observed global reduction in decay rates and the fact that there is no discernible difference in dental decay rates versus national Fluoridation status. 

The deliberate addition of Lead as a major contaminant of phosphate fertilizer industrial waste used in Fluoridation plus the exacerbation of Plumbosolvency caused by Fluoridation must cease if further reduction in blood Lead levels and tooth decay is to be accomplished.

It is time for the governments of the few remaining countries where Fluoridation persists to place an immediate ban on the practice and force industry to permanently immobilize their toxic waste.

The fact that WHO now rates Fluoride as more toxic than Lead should be a wake-up call to politicians everywhere.

↓  The two make a bad combination  ↓

Electrical Grounding – more lead in drinking water –

Vit.c strip

  Dr. Paul Connett talks about Impact of Fluoride on Brain  

Vit.c strip


Vit.c strip

Autism – Fluoride & Aluminium

Vit.c strip


Vit.c strip

 Old ‘adds’ from the past! 






The doctor and the nurses didn´t believe that he could be so ill
from taking fluoride tablets until they did some test on him.  

BABY Jason Burton ffBurtons with frame mm







My husband and I have agreed on writing this letter in the hope that it may prevent someone going through the experience we suffered in May 1973.

In July 1970 we were told by our doctor that we were going to have a baby.  In my first visit to the Hospital for a check-up in October, I was told by the Matron to start taking fluoride tablets for the benefit of the baby.  I did so until the 20th of February 1971 when our first child, Jason, was born.

When he was one year old the welfare clinic told me to start giving him 1/2 of a fluoride tablet per day.  I did so for 15 months.  When he was 27 months old he got hold of the fluoride tablets, and at the time I didn´t know how many he had eaten, but I knew it wasn´t many.

I took him to the doctor straight away and he gave our son a stomach pump treatment.  The doctor told me he could only find four tablets in his stomach.  I was told to take him home and he would sleep for a while, but he would be okay when he woke up.  This was at 2:00 P.M.

At 5:30 P.M. I realized that something was wrong, as I couldn´t wake him.  I rang the doctor and was advised to take him back to the surgery.  The doctor saw him straight away and told me to take him to the maternity hospital.  As we arrived he was still unconscious and he stopped breathing.  The doctor put him in a respirator immediately.


Despite being prescribed for over 50 years, the FDA has
NEVER approved fluoride supplements as safe and effective.

Copy of Fluoride Death Certificate

We can post you hard copy or email one to you if you so require.


The Medical Journal of Australia

13 October 1984

Acute Fluoride Poisoning After Ingestion of Sodium Fluoride Tablets
Paul A. Monsour, Brian I. Kruger, Andrew F.Petrie and John L. McNee

ABSTRACT: Between 1978 and 1983, at least 20 children with fluoride poisoning were admitted to two major children’s hospitals in Brisbane. [Queensland]. Data on telephone calls received by Poisons Information Centres in Australia about fluoride toxicity show that Brisbane, the water supply of which is not fluoridated, [then] received approximately twice as many calls per head of population as were received in Sydney and Melbourne. Concern is also expressed at the standard of packaging of fluoride tablets currently marketed in Australia *. A treatment plan for cases of acute fluoride poisoning after oral ingestion is presented.     (Med) Aust 1984; 141: 503-505)


* These fluoride tablets were originally sold in a plastic container that did not have a
“Child-resistant closure” – not even a screw top – just a press fit. The tablets were mixed bright colours, they looked like sweets, and between the lid and the tablets were small deflated balloons!

We now drink this stuff with, no balloons and no warnings in our Brisbane water!


Mother’s warning against fluoride.











“…I took him to the doctor straight away and he gave our son a stomach
pump treatment. The doctor told me he could only find four
tablets in his stomach. I was told to take him home and
he would sleep for a while, but he would
be okay when he woke up…”

The Burtons framed m copy


Copy of Fluoride Death Certificate

Death Cert Jason new extract

lettter from Burtons

See original below ♥

My husband and I have agreed on writing this letter in the hope that it may prevent someone going through the experience we suffered in May 1973.

In July 1970 we were told by our doctor that we were going to have a baby.  In my first visit to the Hospital for a check-up in October, I was told by the Matron to start taking fluoride tablets for the benefit of the baby.  I did so until the 20th of February 1971 when our first child, Jason, was born.

When he was one year old the welfare clinic told me to start giving him 1/2 of a fluoride tablet per day.  I did so for 15 months.  When he was 27 months old he got hold of the fluoride tablets, and at the time I didn´t know how many he had eaten, but I knew it wasn´t many.

I took him to the doctor straight away and he gave our son a stomach pump treatment.  The doctor told me he could only find four tablets in his stomach.  I was told to take him home and he would sleep for a while, but he would be okay when he woke up.  This was at 2:00 P.M.

At 5:30 P.M. I realized that something was wrong, as I couldn´t wake him.  I rang the doctor and was advised to take him back to the surgery.  The doctor saw him staright away and told me to take him to the maternity hospital.  As we arrived he was still unconscious and he stopped breathing.  The doctor put him in a respirator immediately.

The doctor and the nurses didn´t believe that he could be so ill from taking fluoride tablets until they did some test on him.  They told us it would take 200 to 500 tablets to make him so sick.  There were less than 100 tablets in the bottle before he touched it. On May 15th, five days after admission, Jason passed away. The doctor verified that his brain, due to fluoride poisoning, was completely dead. We have now two children.  They have never or will never receive fluoride tablets from us.

We are completely against fluoridation of drinking water and we hope that this letter
will help stop such a thing from happening.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Burton

Birkdale, Brisbane

Queensland, Australia  [4159]

blue line

Hospital Report – (“Discharge Summary”)

blue line

   The FDA Issued Warning Letter to 
Pharmaceutical Company on Fluoride...

blue line

These fluoride tablets were sold in a plastic container
that did not have a “Child-resistant closure”  
– not even a screw top – just a press fit.

blue line



Burton letter hand 1

Burton letter hand2

Burton letter hand 3

Burton letter hand 4

blue line

More info  →  HERE and HERE

blue line

Thais has black teeth

The Ancient Romans knew ‘IT’ damaged teeth and
they knew ‘IT’ was something in the water.





… The goiter prevalence was 91% and dental fluorosis 20.80%.
The average level of iodine in drinking water was
5.21 mg/l, and that of fluoride 0.88 mg/l…




Image of 3 Cretins






Lin Fa-Fu, Aihaiti, Zhao Hong-Xin,

Lin Jin, Jiang Ji-Yong, Maimaiti, and Aiken.


… Xinjiang Institute for Endemic Disease Control and Research;

Office of Leading Group for Endemic Disease Control of Hetian Prefectural

Committee of the Communist Party of China; and County Health and

Epidemic Prevention Station, Yutian, Xinjiang.

   Cretinism* in iodine-deficiency areas is well known, yet the milder forms of somatic and psychomotor maldevelopment and thyroid dysfunction caused by iodine deficiency may be more difficult to detect. DeQuervain, in 1936, called this milder form “semi-cretinism,” while in 1980 Laggasse used the term “cretinoidism.” It was formally named “subclinical endemic cretinism” at a symposium on subclinical cretinism held in Xinzhou, Shanxi province in 1985.

Currently, attention is being focused on these disorders in China and abroad. The Hetian prefecture in Xinjiang has reportedly been one of the Asian areas most severely affected by iodine deficiency disorders (IDD).

During the period 1987-1989, we made a systematic survey of subclinical endemic cretinism in this district under a UNICEF aid Project.

Materials and Methods

General conditions and selection of affected areas – The entire region of Xinjiang in central Eurasia is affected by iodine deficiency. The study area, located between the southern border of Tarim basin and the northern slope of Kunlun Mountains, is arid with sandy soil and an annual precipitation less than 50 mm. The cultivated alluvial plain extends from south to north with a steepening gradient. The geographical distributions of endemic goiter and endemic fluorosis are characterized by marked vertical zones. The inhabitants are of lower socioeconomic status, with an annual mean income of about 200 yuan (RMB) per person.

Area with high fluoride and low iodine levels (Area A) – In the township Xinyuan in the lower reaches of Kliya river in the county of Yutian, north of the highway, we examined 250 schoolchildren, aged 7-14 years. The goiter prevalence was 91% and dental fluorosis 20.80%. The average level of iodine in drinking water was 5.21 mg/l, and that of fluoride 0.88 mg/l.

Area with low iodine level (area B) – In the townships of Langan and Jiayi in the alluvial plain before the mountains and to the south of the highway, we examined 256 schoolchildren, aged 7-14 years. The goiter prevalence was 82% and dental fluorosis of 16.00%. The average water iodine level was 0.96 mg/l and that of fluoride 0.34 mg/l. …

* CRETINISM is the condition wherein the child has severely stunted physical growth due to untreated congenital iodine deficiency while myxedema is a form or cutaneous and dermal edema due to increased deposition of the connective tissue components. The subcutaneous tissues are seen in hypothyroidism and Grave’s disease.




Reports of this problem are surfacing in parts of

Australia where water fluoridation has been operating for many years!




Results reveal that anemia was reduced and pre-term and low-birth-weight
babies were considerably fewer in the fluoride-avoidance group as
compared to the control. Two stillbirths occurred in the
control group, none in the experimental group.




 Fluoride avoidance reduced anemia in pregnant women, decreased pre-term births and enhanced babies’ birth-weight, concludes leading fluoride expert, A K Susheela and colleagues, in a study published in Current Science (May 2010).

       Susheela’s team explains that anemia in pregnancy, which can lead to maternal and infant mortality, continues to plague many countries despite nutritional counseling and maternal iron and folic acid supplementation. This is the first examination of fluoride as an additional risk factor for anemia and low-birth-weight babies.

Anemic pregnant women living in India, whose urine contained 1 mg/L fluoride or more, were separated into two groups. The experimental group avoided fluoride in water, food and other sources and ate a nutritious diet per instruction. The control group received no instructions. Both groups supplemented with iron and folic acid.

Results reveal that anemia was reduced and pre-term and low-birth-weight babies were considerably fewer in the fluoride-avoidance group as compared to the control. Two stillbirths occurred in the control group, none in the experimental group.

Susheela et al. writes, “Maternal and child under-nutrition and anemia is not necessarily due to insufficient food intake but because of the derangement of nutrient absorption due to damage caused to GI (gastrointestinal) mucosa by ingestion of undesired chemical substances, viz. fluoride through food, water and other sources.”

Fluoride avoidance regenerated the intestinal lining which enhanced the absorption of nutrients as evidenced by the reduction in urinary fluoride followed by rise in hemoglobin levels, they report.

Could the same thing be happening in the United States? State University of New York researchers found more premature births in fluoridated than non-fluoridated upstate New York communities, according to a presentation made at the 2009 American Public Health Association’s annual meeting.

Current Science reports that adverse reactions of fluoride consumption are known to occur including reducing red blood cells, reducing blood folic acid activity, inhibiting vitamin B12 production and the non-absorption of nutrients for hemoglobin biosynthesis.

“Citizens must demand that water fluoridation be stopped,” says attorney Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. “It’s disturbing that public-health officials and organized dentistry continue to ignore the overwhelming evidence revealing fluoride to be non-nutritive, unnecessary and unsafe,” says Beeber.

     Source: NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.




Of the 400 children born every year in Mount Isa, about 11 %
according to the last blood lead study, have a blood lead
level in excess of the current acceptable guidelines.




“…There are about 400 children born every year in Mount Isa
and about 11 per cent of those children, according to the last blood lead
study, have a blood lead level in excess of the current acceptable guideline value…”

The Environmental Protection Agency states on their website that exposure to lead in water that is being consumed above the action level, or 15 parts per Billion, can result in delays in physical and mental development in children, anemia, and muscle problems. In adults, it can cause increases in blood pressure and, eventually with heavy exposure, the development of kidney problems or nerve disorders.









❝ … Most environmental scientists are afraid to take a public stand if it means appearing to challenge powerful corporations, governments or professions. They are afraid of what top officials in their organisation may think and do. They are aware of legislation which prohibits them from speaking to the media about their work without permission. They are afraid that they might be blocked from promotion, shunted to less interesting work, or even dismissed…


“As is normal, the solution to pollution is dilution.
You poison everyone a little bit rather than poison a few people a lot.
This way, people don’t know what’s going on.”





Two chemicals H2SiF6 and Na2SiF6, jointly called “silicofluorides”
are used to treat public water supplies of 140 million Americans even
though, the EPA has admitted, they have never been tested for safety.


Roger D. Masters – Research Professor

-Nelson A. Rockefeller Professor of Government, Emeritus Dartmouth College


Toxic metals like lead, manganese, copper and cadmium damage neurons
and deregulate neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine
which are essential to normal impulse control and learning.

Earlier studies show that — controlling for socio-economic and demographic factors — environmental pollution with lead is a highly significant risk factor in predicting higher rates of crime, attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity, and learning disabilities.

Exposure and uptake of lead has been associated with industrial pollution, leaded paint and plumbing systems in old housing, lead residues in soil, dietary habits (such as shortages of calcium and iron), and demographic factors (such as poverty, stress, and minority ethnicity). We report here on an additional “risk co-factor” making lead and other toxic metals in the environment more dangerous to local residents: the use of silicofluorides as agents in water treatment. The two chemicals in question — fluosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride — are toxins that, despite claims to the contrary, do not dissociate completely and change water chemistry when used under normal water treatment practices. As a result, water treatment with siliconfluorides apparently functions to increase the cellular uptake of lead. Data from lead screening of over 280,000 children in Massachusetts indicates that silicofluoride usage is associated with significant increases in average lead in children’s blood as well as percentage of children with blood lead in excess of 10μg/dL. Consistent with the hypothesized role of silicofluorides as enhancing uptake of lead whatever the source of exposure, children are especially at risk for higher blood lead in those communities with more old housing or lead in excess of 15 ppb in first draw water samples where silicofluorides are also in use. Preliminary findings from county-level data in Georgia confirm that silicofluoride usage is associated with higher levels of lead in children’s blood. In both Massachusetts and Georgia, moreover, behaviors associated with lead nurotoxicity are more frequent in communities using silicofluorides than in comparable localities that do not use these chemicals. Because there has been insufficient animal or human testing of silicofluoride treated water, further study of the effect of silicofluorides is needed to clarify the extent to which these chemicals are risk co-factors for lead uptake and the hazardous effects it produces.

Keywords: Lead; toxicity; pollution; children’s health; public water supplies


A Primer for Policymakers and Public Policy Advocates
(Westport: Praeger, 2003), pp. 23-56.


It is impossible to deny that a revolution in neuroscience and other areas of biology has taken place over the last half-century.  The  estimates of 83 million Americans taking drugs like Prozac for depression and 11 million children on Ritalin for hyperactivity indicate it is time to reconsider the role of brain chemistry in social behavior and violent behavior.  Since it is obvious that loss of impulse control can contribute to violent outbursts – and evidence shows that some toxic chemicals (such as lead) can have this effect, it is time to consider neuroscientific evidence linking environmental toxins and rates of violent behavior.  To illustrate the implications of the new issues involved, I focus on a hitherto unexplored example.  Two chemicals (H2SiF6 and Na2SiF6, jointly called “silicofluorides” or SiFs) are used to treat public water supplies of 140 million Americans even though, as the EPA has admitted, they never been tested for safety.  To illustrate the interdisciplinary complexities entailed when linking brain chemistry to policy decisions concerning violent crime, our argument has four main stages: first, why might SiFs be dangerous? Second, what biochemical effects of SiF could have toxic consequences for humans?  Third, on this basis a research hypothesis is formulated to measure the types of harm.  In this case, we predict children in communities using SiF should have increased uptake of lead from environmental sources and higher rates of behavioral dysfunctions such as hyperactivity (ADHD) known to be caused by lead neurotoxicity.  Finally, the hypothesis is tested using multiple sources of data including rates of violent crime studied using a variety of multivariate statistical techniques (including analysis of variance, multiple regression, and stepwise regression).  As this outline should make clear, a combination of interdisciplinary perspectives and great prudence is needed to link research in neuroscience to policies concerning violent crime,  If confirmed, however, the potential benefits of hypotheses like the one tested below may be great, revealing the generally unsuspected value of including neuroscientific research in the analysis of human social behavior.

Requests for reprints and correspondence should be directed to: Prof. Roger D. Masters, Department of Government, HB 6222, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755. Email:


The full version of the above is on the net,
and as the above suggests adding silicofluorides
to drinking water amounts to domestic terrorism.

Black Lines separate

see also:

see also:…/the-dangers-of-fluoride-conspiracy..




This is a hot issue – cover-up and denial is the ADA’s only option,
the serious implications of  fluoridation on millions
of kidneys both
 human and animal (pets) and
the corrosion of 


american flag

F.blood lead : Afican Am. ss

Afican Americans f

At present, U.S. public water systems serving over 140 million people are fluoridated with
200,000 tons of commercial grade hydrofluosilicic acid (H2SiF6) and sodium
silicofluoride (Na2SiF6), together called “silicofluorides” (or “SiFs”).

Data from numerous studies show that, taking economic, social and racial factors into account,
where silicofluorides are used, children absorb more lead from the environment, and there
are higher rates of diseases and behavioral problems associated with lead poisoning
(including hyperactivity, substance abuse, and violent crime)

Although some early studies showed differences between sodium fluoride and sodium silicofluoride, to this day the substitution of silicofluorides in public water treatment facilities HAS NEVER BEEN SUBJECTED TO APPROPRIATE ANIMAL OR HUMAN TESTING. Recently, the Assistant Administrator of the EPA admitted to Congress that his agency had no data on SiF toxicity and the Chief of the Treatment Technology Evaluation Branch at the National Risk Management Research Laboratory confirmed that the EPA has “no” data on the “health and behavioral effects of fluosilicic acid.”

Despite claims of safety by oral health officials, laboratory research in Germany revealed that silicofluorides do not dissociate completely and have important biological effects. To follow up on this issue, we have compared children’s blood lead levels in communities using SiF treated water with communities using sodium fluoride or with non-fluoridated water. In three separate samples, totaling over 400,000 children, SiF treated municipal water is ALWAYS significantly associated with increased blood lead levels in children.

This effect was evident in a Massachusetts survey of lead levels in 280,000 children (see graph for children exposed to SiF from the Greater Boston water system, from towns that add SiF locally, or from communities using sodium fluoride, and towns without fluoridation). For the state of New York, data was available on venous blood lead levels for 151,225 children in communities of 15,000 to 75,000. Controlling for other factors associated with higher blood lead, silicofluorides were again significantly associated with higher uptake of lead from the environment. For black children, who are especially at risk for high blood lead, those in towns using SiF were less likely to have low blood lead and more likely to have lead over 10µg/dL. To confirm that these results are not due to other socio-economic or demographic factors, additional statistical tests were run.

The third study concerned children’s blood lead levels in the National Health and Nutrition Evaluation Survey (NHANES III), which had reports for 7224 children from 80 counties with populations over 500,000. Since only 4 of these counties had any communities that used sodium fluoride, analysis of the NHANES III data focused on the percentage of the entire county population exposed to silicofluoride treated water.

Among the 1543 children of all ages from large urban counties with over 80% of the population exposed to fluoridation (almost all of whom receive water treated with SiF), average blood lead was 5.12 µg/dL whereas the average for 1139 children in low fluoride exposure counties was 3.64 µg/dL Blood lead in the 473 children sampled from the medium fluoridation counties was 3.23 µg/dL, which was significantly different from the high fluoridation counties but not from either low fluoridation counties or those with unknown fluoridation status, where average blood lead levels were 3.16 µg/dL (S.D. 2.83). Controlling for the Poverty, the effect of SiF use was highly significant (p < .0001). When the sample is divided by age and race, these findings provide six separate samples in which SiF is associated with high blood lead (see Graphs).

In all three populations studied, those children in each racial category and each age group who were highly likely to be exposed to silicofluorides differ strongly in levels of blood lead from those not exposed.

This conclusion was further checked by analyzing available data for health and behavioral traits that have been associated with high blood lead (such as violent crimes, cocaine use and asthma). In each case, those exposed to silicofluoride treated water were more likely to have behavioral or health problems that are more likely among those with high lead in their bodies.

The injection of silicofluorides in public water supplies is a practice whose elimination could possibly contribute to reduced rates of learning disabilities, substance abuse, violent crime, and asthma (all connected with lead poisoning and other toxins). Whatever the benefits to teeth (and this is highly controversial), our research shows that the issues facing the public concern silicofluoride chemistry, toxicology, and the linkage of neurotoxins with behavior or health. Before SiF chemicals are used, citizens must know that they are safe for all.

Dury & Young F.

Indigenous A ss

“Close The Gap”


 Fluoridation and Renal Disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – —– «<◊>» —– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 


 Fluoride Ion Toxicity in Human Kidney Collecting Duct Cells

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – —– «<◊>» —– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 

Indigenous Australians have smaller kidneys than non-indigenous Australians
a reduced number of nephrons and decreased renal reserve –
(Singh G, White A, Spencer J, Wang Z, Hoy W [1999]).


Qld. Indigenous Water Fluoridated -Bamaga

Native australian devider

Inorganic fluoride. Divergent effects
on human proximal tubular cell viability.
R. A. Zager and M. Iwata. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle.
Inorganic fluoride. Divergent effects on human proximal tubular cell …

Native australian devider

Two Shi Lancan flags

We visited the affected villages with the medical team comprising
Dr. Tilak Abeyesekera 
and Dr. Nimmi Athureliye
where positive CKDU patients were identified.

Fluoride, Cadmium, Arsenic- Renal Failure – Sri Lanka – Prof. Oliver A. Ileperuma

Native australian devider

image-of-kidneyNational Kidney Foundation

There is consistent evidence that impairment of kidney function
results in changes to the way in which fluoride is metabolized and
from the body, resulting in an increased burden of fluoride.

Native australian devider

Indian flag

Impairment of Kidney Function – INDIA

Kidneys are among the most sensitive body organs in their histopathologial
and functional responses to excessive amounts of fluoride.
They are the primary organs concerned with
excretion and retention of fluoride…

 – – – – – – —– «<◊>» —– – – – – – –




See thesis below   detailed diagrams + more photos.




We thank you  for such a mammoth undertaking.


– – – – – – – – – – – – – –  – –  «<◊>»  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

More info on Fluoride in India → HERE

– – – – – – – – –  «<◊>»  – – – – – – – – – –


Endemic Fluorosis Patiala – 1962

– – – – – – –  «<◊>»  – – – – – – – –

Infants Warning on Fluoridation – American Dental Association

↑  New York – 13 November  2006 ↑ 
To prevent tooth damage, the American Dental Association (ADA)
warned its members that fluoridated water should
not be mixed into concentrated formula
or foods intended for babies
one year and younger…

[ Exposure to Fluorides while teeth are forming
will result in visual damage – dental fluorosis.
This would be a bad look for fluoridation.

– – –  «<◊>»  – – – –

 See also 
Dartmouth Researcher Warns of Chemicals Added to Drinking Water


Fluoridation Queensland Logo
