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Professor Trevor A Sheldon

Learning & Teaching

To Whom It May Concern:

In my capacity of chair of the Advisory Group for the systematic review on the effects of water fluoridation conducted by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination the University of York and as its founding director, I am concerned that the results of the review have been widely misrepresented.

The review was exceptional in this field in that it was conducted by an independent group
to the highest international scientific standards and a summary has been published in
the British Medical Journal.

It is particularly worrying then that statements which mislead the public about the review’s findings have been made in press releases and briefings by the British Dental Association, the British Medical Association, the National Alliance for Equity in Dental Health, the British Fluoridation Society and others abroad.

I should like to correct some of these errors:

1   Whilst there is evidence that water fluoridation is effective at reducing caries, the quality of the studies was generally moderate and the size of the estimated benefit, only of the order of 15%, is far from “massive”.

2   The review found water fluoridation to be significantly associated with high levels of dental fluorosis which was not characterised as “just a cosmetic issue”.

3   The review did not show water fluoridation to be safe. The quality of the research was too poor to establish with confidence whether or not there are potentially important adverse effects in addition to the high levels of fluorosis. The report recommended that more research was needed.

4   There was little evidence to show that water fluoridation has reduced social inequalities in dental health.

5   The review could come to no conclusion as to the cost-effectiveness of water fluoridation or whether there are different effects between natural or artificial fluoridation.

6   Probably because of the rigour with which this review was conducted, these findings are more cautious and less conclusive than in most previous reviews.

  The review team was surprised that in spite of the large number of studies carried out over several decades there is a dearth of reliable evidence with which to inform policy. Until high quality studies are undertaken providing more definite evidence, there will continue to be legitimate scientific controversy over the likely effects and costs of water fluoridation.


  T.A. Sheldon,
  Professor Trevor Sheldon, BSc, MSc, DSc, FMedSci.

The  web link   This is WAS the original document,

but we maintain our own, should it ever be lost.

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State of Arizona, County of Maricopa


INC., Plaintiff, vs. 
CITY OF FOND DU LAC, Defendant. Case No. 92 CV 579

Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D., being first duly sworn on oath and with personal knowledge of the information contained herein, respectfully states to the Court as follows:


1.) I have been a professor of Chemistry at Phoenix College, Phoenix Arizona, since 1965.

2.) I received my B.A. in chemistry from the University of Utah in 1943.

I received my M.S. from the University of Portland in 1948. I received my Ph.D. in physical and organic chemistry from Purdue University in 1953. I did Postdoctoral research at Purdue University, on fluorinated organometallic reactions in 1954.

3.) A few of my more recent research, academic and service honors include:

a. Elected to Emeritus Member of American Chemical Society, 11/92.

b. “20 Year Outstanding Teaching Award and Pin” from Maricopa County Community College District, Dr. Paul A. Elsner, Chancellor, 2/92.

c. Reviewed two fundamental chemistry textbooks for publishers, 5/91.

d. Received “Speaker’s Gold Plated Champion’s Award for Research, Communication and Education,” regarding better teeth, health and government. Arizona Breakfast Club, Harry E. Everingham, President, 11/24/90.

e. “Faculty Appreciation Gift for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching,” Maricopa County Community College District, Phoenix, Arizona, Dr. Paul A. Elsner, Chancellor, 3/4/85.

4.) I have devoted thousands of hours during my career to studying the chemistry of fluoride. In addition, in preparing this affidavit, I have specifically researched and summarized the following professional and technical literature on the epidemiological effects of fluoride:

a.  Journal of Fluoride, August 1992 – January 1983.

b.  Chemical Abstracts, August 1992 – January 1989.

c.  Index Medicus, May, June and July 1992.

d.  Fluoridation The Great Dilemma, a 421-page book by George L. Waldbott, M.D. in collaboration with Albert W. Burgstahler, Ph.D. and H. Lewis McKinney, Ph.D.

e.  A Struggle With Titans, Forces Behind Fluoridation, a 383-page book by George L. Waldbott, M.D. (a scientist’s look at fluoridation).

f.  Fluoridation, the Aging Factor, a 203-page book by John Yiamouyannis, Ph.D. in Biochemistry, and world-leading authority on the biological effects of fluoride.

g.  Fluoride, The Freedom Fight, a 207-page book by Dr. Hans Moolenburgh, M.D. (The Netherlands).

h.  Fluoridation, a 264-page book by Isabel Jansen, R.N.

i.  The Fluoride Question, Panacea or Poison?, a 176-page book by Anne-Lise Gotzsche, medical journalist (England).

J.  Hello, Test Animals… Chinchillas or You and Your Grandchildren, a 180-page book by W. R. Cox, chinchilla breeder and researcher.

k.  The Grim Truth About Fluoridation, a 128-page book by Robert M. Buck, journalist.

l.  Fluoridation, Poison on Tap, a 460-page book by Glen S. R. Walker, consultant in strategic metals, munitions, and chemical industry, registered by the National Association of Testing Authorities in Australia.

m.  Fluoride in Australia, a Case to Answer, a 159-page book by Wendy Varney, journalist.

5.) During the past two years I have personally discussed the effects of artificial fluoridation of drinking water with many individuals possessing outstanding background on the subject of fluoridation, including the following:

6.) My research, communication and discovery concerning the epidemiological effects of fluoridation has provided me with solid scientific evidence on which to base the following conclusions.

7.) Fluoride has never been established as, and is not, essential in nutrition for soft tissues, bones or teeth.

8.) There are no experiments or data which establish that fluoride in any form or in any concentration is harmless when put into drinking water for human consumption or usage.

9.) Fluoride at low levels has been shown to unsnap hydrogen bonds in the enzyme cytochrome oxidase, and thus ruin its ability to handle oxygen in humans, animals or plants. (Exhibit).

10.) It is well-established in academic and industrial chemical industry that the hydrogen-fluoride hydrogen bond is stronger than the hydrogen-nitrogen or hydrogen-oxygen hydrogen bonds characteristic of human enzymes. Therefore, human enzyme systems (thousands of enzymes) are subject to destruction when water containing fluoride is consumed. After a few weeks for some, and a lifetime for others, a large enough reservoir of fluoride is built up to cause serious ailments.

11.) At least 63 human, animal and plant enzymes are for the most part destroyed or modified by fluoride.

12.) A summary of important epidemiological effects of fluoride from Chemical Abstracts, 1992-1989 (53 pages); Journal of Fluoride, August 1992-January 1993 (42 pages); and Index Medicus, May, June and July 1992 (3 pages) failed to produce even one article proving fluoride to be harmless.

13.) Contrariwise, hundreds of experiments on test animals, humans, plants, and their cells, have invariably demonstrated harmful effects.

14.) A large number of epidemiological effects in the way of ailments and allergies caused by fluoride have been clinically established by competent authorities, including those below.

15.) Forty-nine or more serious allergenic conditions were established by George Waldbott, M.D. These were proven by removing patients from drinking water with fluoride in it, in which case they were cured. This was followed up with single- or double-blind tests with fluoride tablets.

16.) Eight of Dr. Waldbott’s side effects were confirmed through double-blind tests organized by Dr. H. Moolenburgh, with 12 other physicians, one pharmacist, and one attorney. (Exhibit). Only one of these side effects presented in court was sufficient to cause the Holland Ministry of Health to discontinue fluoridation of water in that country. These side effects are listed in Waldbott’s book, pp. 123-125.

17.) Genetic changes in bone cells and sperm cells of mice were thoroughly studied, re-studied and established by Dr. Albert Taylor.

This work has been confirmed by numerous other researchers.

18.) Fluoride as a factor in cataracts has been established by statistical studies of Dr. Ionel F. Rapaport and confirmed by the research of Dr. Burgstahler. This has also been confirmed by analysis of cataracted and un-cataracted eye lenses. The older the person, the more the fluoride in the lens. (Exhibit).

19.) SIDS (crib or cot death) has been related to fluoride poisoning by Dr. J. Colquhoun (exhibit), Dr. Bruce Spittle, and others.

20.) Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and chronic fluoride toxicity (CFT) have been found to be very closely related in their symptoms (Exhibit).

21.) RSI (repetitive stress injury, or carpal tunnel syndrome) has been linked to the accumulation of fluoride in the bone by Dr. Geoffrey E. Smith. Additional work supporting this link was found by Dr. Sutton. (Exhibit).

22.) Dental fluorosis has been shown recently to occur at fluoride levels as low as .3 ppm, as opposed to earlier studies of Dr. H. Trendly Dean, who set 1.0 as a tolerable limit, allowing 24 percent fluorosis. The degree of fluorosis depends on the nutritional status of the person.

23.) Dr. Waldbott had over 400 cases of pre-skeletal bone fluorosis in patients, which he established was caused by their drinking fluoridated water. (Exhibit) This has been further confirmed by many other studies. The degree of bone fluorosis is strictly related to bone fluoride content.

24.) Embrittled bones are caused by drinking fluoridated water, as well as by administration of tablets to “harden bones.” (Riggs study, Exhibit; Utah study, Exhibit; Jacobson’s study, Exhibit; Cooper’s study, Exhibit; and Sower’s study, Exhibit.

25.) Increased infant mortality and birth defects (two to three times increase) was established by Dr. Albert Schatz to be present in Chilean children administered fluoridated water in an experimental study in Curico, Chili, with San Fernando and La Serena as a control towns. (Exhibit). Dr. Schatz found fluoridation did no good for teeth, and caused enormous increase in miscarriages. The malformations and infant mortality dropped dramatically upon cessation of the fluoridation. Similar malformations and infant mortalities are now occurring in U.S.

26.) C. R. Cox, working with the University of Oregon, found that 17 ppm fluoride in feed caused constipation, great mature and baby chinchilla death, small litters and over four generations a smaller, inferior rabbit.

27.) Down’s Syndrome was established to be linked to consumption of fluoride through statistical studies and re-studies by Dr. Ionel F. Rapaport, M.D. and Waldbott, Fluoridation the Great Dilemma, pp. 212-219. Dr. Rapaport also found that 70% of Down’s Syndrome babies were born with cataracted eyes.

28.) Genu valgum (knock knees) has been reported as having been caused by fluoride in drinking water..

29.) Gilbert’s Disease (hemorrhagic yellow jaundice) has been cured by taking the patient off fluoridated drinking water. (Exhibit).

30.) Collagen synthesis has been shown to be impeded by fluoride by the work of B. Uslu, Andola School of Medicine, Eskisehir, Turkey.

31.) Immunosuppression, according to Sutton and Gibson, may be caused by consumption of fluoride. (See Exhibits).

32.) Decreased immunodiffusion has been established as due to fluoride ion, making it a negative chemitaxic agent (this means it impedes the “taxiing” or motion effect). (Exhibit).

33.) Between 1953 and 1968, there were approximately 572,810 (44,062 per year average) more deaths due to all types of cancer in 10 major fluoridated cities compared to non-fluoridated cities. Sex, race and age changes in these populations were insignificant during this period, so that nothing else could be established as causal. (Exhibit).

34.) In Antigo, Wisconsin, heart attacks were shown to dramatically increase both in the general population and the people under 65 and over 65 when fluoridation was instituted and continued over 35 years.

35.) A tremendous increase in caiman (alligator) deaths was experienced once Kansas City, Kansas water was fluoridated at the Parrot Hill farms under the care of Patricia Jacobs, naturalist. EVIDENCE AGAINST THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FLUORIDATION

36.) In contrast to the claims of the Human Health Services and the American Dental Association that fluoride reduces DMF (decayed, missing, filled teeth) 65 percent, it has now been established through a very large number of reliable studies that fluoride may actually cause a slight amount of DMF. (A large amount of DMF is actually related to nutrition.)

37.) Dr. Yiamouyiannis found that of 39,200 students, ages 5-19, from 89 fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas, the teeth of those living in non-fluoridated areas had slightly less DMF. (Exhibit).

38.) A survey of 1,500 fifth grade students in Missouri gave slightly lower DMF for those who lived in a non-fluoridated area. This was also true in a survey of 1500 6th graders.(Exhibit).

39.) A study of school children in Tucson, Arizona by Dr. Cornelius Steelink (Chemistry Department, University of Arizona), established that there was an increase in DMF with an increase in fluoride in the water. (Exhibit).

40.) A thorough study of the entire population of Japan (included 20,000 school children, 1972) established that when the fluoride in the drinking water was above .4 ppm there was more decay. (Exhibit).

41.) A study of Auckland, New Zealand, found that DMF decreases depended heavily on dental education in the schools and the salary of people from various areas, and insignificantly on the amount of fluoride in the water. (Exhibit).

42.) In Garis, Africa a high proportion of 14 to 15-year-olds had first permanent molars which were extensively carious or missing despite 1.06 ppm fluoride in drinking water. High sugar intake was a possible factor.

43.) Earlier “studies” justifying fluoridation of drinking water have been unmasked and debunked by competent authorities (Dr. Waldbott, Dr. Colquhoun, Dr. Foulkes, Dr. Mark Diesendorf, Dr. Sutton, Dr. Exner and Dr. Rudolf Ziegelbecker) on the basis of neglecting variables, cheating and group selection, not completing the studies, etc. (Exhibits).

44.) As one example, phosphate, calcium and strontium were not accounted for in the Newburgh-Kingston study, or any other study, to the best of my knowledge. Dr. Waldbott established that the Kingston water had deficiencies of these elements.


45.) My research has made it clear that the American Dental Association and U. S. Human Health Services have made a wrong turn in their attempt to improve the teeth of the American public.

46.) Fluoride in drinking water should be limited to .1 ppm where possible, since reverse osmosis can easily reduce fluoride below this value.

47.) It is my best judgment, reached with a high degree of scientific certainty, that fluoridation is invalid in theory and ineffective in practice as a preventive of dental caries. It is also dangerous to the health of consumers.

48.) I make this Affidavit in support of the Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary Judgment.

Dated this _____ day of ________, 1993. __________________

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More experts against F. → HERE

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  1. Amer. Fed Gov’t. Employees (AFGE Local 3331)

  2. Washington, DC

  3. Amer. Fed Gov’t. Employees (AFGE Local 3911)

  4. New York, NY

  5. Aurum Foundation

  6. Keene, New Hampshire

  7. Belgian Platform Environment & Health

  8. Nieuwkerken Waas, Belgium

  9. Clean Water Action Alliance of MA

  10. Boston, MA

  11. DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome)

  12. Minneapolis, MN

  13. Earth Island Institute

  14. San Francisco, CA

  15. Environmental Health Fund

  16. Jamaica Plain, MA

  17. Environmental Research Foundation

  18. Annapolis, MD

  19. Green Decade Coalition/Newton

  20. Newton, MA

  21. Greenwatch, Inc.

  22. Jersey Shore, PA

  23. Health Action Network Society (HANS)

  24. British Columbia, CANADA

  25. Haverhill Environmental League

  26. Haverhill, MA

  27. Indigenous Environmental Network

  28. Bemidji, MN

  29. Insitute for Health Realities

  30. Colorado Springs, CO

  31. Institute for Natural Dentistry

  32. Woodstock, NY

  33. Int’l. Academy of Oral Med. & Toxicol.(IAOMT)

  34. Sedona, AZ

  35. Int’l. Assoc. of Fire Fighters Local 781 AFLCIO/

  36. CLC

  37. Independence, MO

  38. Maine Toxics Action Coaltion

  39. Bowdoinham, ME

  40. Merrimack Valley Environmental Council

  41. Haverhill, MA

  42. New England Patients’ Rights

  43. Norwood, MA

  44. National Treasury Employees Union

  45. Washington, DC

  46. NJ/NY Environmental Watch

  47. Elizabeth, NJ

  48. Olympic Environmental Council

  49. Port Townsend, WA

  50. Oregon Toxics Alliance

  51. Eurgene, OR

  52. Oregon State Public Interest Research Group

  53. (OSPIRG)

  54. Portland, OR

  55. Pennsylvania Environmental Network

  56. Fombell, PA

  57. People for the Environment

  58. N. Andover, MA

  59. Poudre Valley Green Party

  60. Ft. Collins, CO

  61. Renaissance Academy

  62. Fairview, UT

  63. Second Look

  64. Worcester, MA

  65. Soil & Health

  66. Auckland, NZ

  67. Toxics Action Center

  68. Boston, MA

  69. TriState

  70. Environmental Council

  71. Chester, WV

  72. W. Newton Dental Association

  73. W. Newton, MA

  74. Waste Not

  75. Canton, NY



  78.  Signatories:

  79. Alan S. Abrams, DDS

  80. Norwalk, CT

  81. Phillip Allen, MD, PhD

  82. Wichita, KS

  83. Stephen D. Annecone, PE

  84. Boulder, CO

  85. Stephen S. Baer, DDS

  86. Sedona, AZ

  87. Patrick Bannon, DDS

  88. Downers Grove, IL

  89. Larry Banyash, MD, FAAFP

  90. Elkhart, IN

  91. Billie J. Barewald, RN

  92. Mountain View, CA

  93. John Barthelme, PhD

  94. Assoc. Prof. Of Anthropology, St. Lawrence Univ.

  95. Canton, NY

  96. Marcia Basciano, DDS

  97. Downers Grove, IL

  98. James S. Beck, M.D., Ph.D.

  99. Prof. Emer., Med. Biophysics, U. Calgary

  100. Calgary, AB, Canada

  101. Gerhard Bedding, MA, MALS

  102. President, Aurum Foundation

  103. Keene, NH

  104. Paul Beeber, JD

  105. Hicksville, NY

  106. Terri Lyn Bell Beecher, RDH

  107. Pagosa Springs, CO

  108. Judson R. Belmont, MD

  109. Manchester, NH

  110. Rosalie Bertell, PhD, GNSH

  111. Yardley, PA

  112. Buffy Shawna Binder, ND

  113. Hamilton, MT

  114. Timothy Binder, ND, DC, Lic.Acu.

  115. Boulder, CO

  116. Russell Blaylock, MD

  117. Ridgeland, MS

  118. Christine Bloss, DDS

  119. Montrose, CO

  120. Bill Boehm, DDS

  121. Aspen, CO

  122. John H. Boyles, MD

  123. Dayton, OH

  124. Gregory W. Bragiel, DDS

  125. Anchorage, AK

  126. Idelle Brand, DDS

  127. New York, NY

  128. Norman Bressack, DDS

  129. N. Bellmore, NY

  130. Wayne C. Brush, R.Ph.

  131. Fremont, NH

  132. Dennis Briggs, PhD

  133. Billings, MT

  134. James, J. Brough, MS, PE

  135. Lander, WY

  136. Elaine A. Brown, DMD

  137. W. Lebanon, NY

  138. Clarence Brown, MD

  139. Emerg. Dept. Metrowest Med. Ctr.

  140. Natick, MA

  141. Eric R. Brown, MD

  142. Assoc. Clinical Prof.of Med., Tufts U.Sch.of Med.

  143. Bangor, ME

  144. Mary Struble Brunk, DDS

  145. Dallas, TX

  146. Albert Burgstahler, PhD

  147. Lawrence, KS

  148. Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD

  149. Houston, TX

  150. Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM

  151. Cornelius, NC

  152. Chandos F. Caldwell, PhD

  153. East Brunswick, NJ

  154. Noel Campbell, BDSc, LDS, FACNEM, FASID

  155. CEO/Dir. of Research, Hope Research Inst. Pty

  156. LtdMelbourne, Australia

  157. Steven Canarick, DMD, FAGD

  158. Massapequa, NY

  159. Ronald S. Carlson, DDS

  160. Honolulu, HI

  161. Neil J. Carman, PhD

  162. Austin, TX

  163. Gilbert D. Carney, DMD, DC

  164. Groton, MA

  165. Robert J. Carton, PhD

  166. Neavitt, MD

  167. Steve Chamberlain, DDS

  168. Daytona Beach, FL

  169. Richard Chanin, DMD

  170. Cincinnati, OH

  171. Perry A. Chapdelaine, MD

  172. Brentwood, TN

  173. Cheryl Sue Click

  174. Dental and medical master mediator w/Utah courts

  175. Salt Lake City, UT

  176. Robert J. Clinton, DDS, MSc

  177. Sydenham, ON, Canada

  178. Suzanne Coble, MD

  179. Keene, NH

  180. Gary Cohen

  181. Executive Director, Environmental Health Fund

  182. Jamaica Plain, MA

  183. Lynda Comerate, RN, PHN

  184. Arcata, CA

  185. Paul Connett, PhD

  186. Prof. Of Chemistry, St. Lawrence Univ.

  187. Canton, NY

  188. Douglas Cook, DDS

  189. Suring, WI

  190. David Coombs, PE

  191. Elgin, TX

  192. Myron J. Coplan, PE

  193. Director, Intellequity

  194. Natick, MA

  195. Thomas Cowan, MD

  196. Peterborough, NH

  197. Cathy Cragoe, RN, MSN

  198. Springfield, IL

  199. Mario Cristiani, DDS

  200. San Diego, CA

  201. Elizabeth Cullen, MB, MSc

  202. Kilcullen, Ireland

  203. Matthew Daggett, DDS

  204. San Antonio, TX

  205. Sandra Danu, ND

  206. Sarasota, FL

  207. George A. Debs, DC

  208. Worcester, MA

  209. Mary DeCicco, DMD

  210. Skillman, NJ

  211. Vincent DiLorenzo, DDS

  212. Laverick, PA

  213. Michael F. Dolan, PhD

  214. Dept. of Geosciences, UMass, Amherst

  215. Amherst, MA

  216. Ronald Dressler, DDS

  217. Norcross, GA

  218. Catherine V. Dwyer, MD

  219. W. Swanzeyk, NH

  220. Curtis Eastin, DDS, ND

  221. Coeur d’Alene, ID

  222. G.W. Edwards, DMD

  223. Sanford, FL

  224. Samuel S. Epstein, MD

  225. Prof Emeritus, Envir. & Occup. Medicine

  226. Chair, Cancer Prevention Coalition

  227. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago

  228. Chicago, IL

  229. Greg Erickson, RS, CHO

  230. Director of Public Health

  231. Wilmington, MA

  232. Gerald Estberg, PhD

  233. Physics, retired

  234. Port Angeles, WA

  235. G. Robert Evans, DMD, FAGD

  236. Groton, MA

  237. Douglas N. Everyingham, MB, BS

  238. Brisbane, Australia

  239. Katherine Farago, RN

  240. Mesa, AZ

  241. Barbara E. Fitzpatrick, MEd

  242. Elementary and secondary education

  243. Fayetteville, AR

  244. Marc D. Flack, DDS, FAGD

  245. Salt Lake City, UT

  246. Michael Fleming, DDS

  247. Durham, NC

  248. Pam Floener, PT, RMA

  249. Sugar Hill, GA

  250. Patricia A. Flood, MS, Lac

  251. Port Angeles, WA

  252. Paul Framson, PhD

  253. Seattle, WA

  254. Ada Frazier, DDS

  255. Meridianville, AL

  256. Pam Gale, FNP

  257. Fort Collins, CO

  258. David W. Ganong, DMD

  259. Vineyard Haven, MA

  260. Vladimir Gashinsky, DDS

  261. Millburn, NJ

  262. Michael Lee Gerber, MD

  263. Reno, NV

  264. David Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM

  265. Jamul, CA

  266. Paul Gilbert, DDS

  267. East Brunswick, NJ

  268. William Glaros, DDS

  269. Houston, TX

  270. Tom Goldtooth

  271. Director, Indigenous Environmental Network

  272. Bemidji, MN

  273. Steven N. Green, DDS

  274. Miami, FL

  275. Wiley Green, DDS

  276. Frankfort, IN

  277. Blanche D. Grube, DMD

  278. Scranton, PA

  279. James T. Hannon, PhD

  280. Asst. Prof. of Sociology, Bridgewater State College

  281. Concord, MA

  282. Glenn Harris, PhD

  283. Prof. of Environmental Studies, St. Lawrence Univ.

  284. Canton, NY

  285. Dayton Hart, DMD

  286. Foley, AL

  287. Boyd E. Haley, PhD

  288. Dept. of Chemistry, U. of Kentucky

  289. Nicholasville, KY

  290. Alan Hayashi, CRN, RN, TNS

  291. Loveland, CO

  292. Deirdre Healy, JD

  293. Worcester, MA

  294. Patricia Hecht, PhD

  295. Manchester, NH

  296. Kent Hesse, MD

  297. Spring Valley, NY

  298. W. Robert Hetrick, PhD

  299. Wichita, KS

  300. David R. Hill, MA, MSc, P.Eng.

  301. Prof. Emeritus, U. Calgary

  302. Bowen Island, BC, Canada

  303. Donald Hillman, PhD

  304. Prof. Emeritus, Animal Science

  305. Michigan State Universtiy

  306. East Lansing, MI

  307. J. William Hirzy, PhD

  308. Sr.Vice President

  309. Nat. Treasury Employees Union, Chap. 280, EPA

  310. Washington, DC

  311. Paul Homer, JD

  312. Glencoe, IL

  313. David B. Homer, M.D. FAAFP

  314. Telluride, CO

  315. Charlotte Howard, PhD

  316. Austin, TX

  317. Dean Howell, ND

  318. Bellevue, WA

  319. C. Vyvyan Howard, MB, ChB, PhD, FRCPath

  320. Dept Human Anatomy & Cell Biology

  321. Univ. of Liverpool

  322. Liverpool, England

  323. Stephen Howard, Lic.Ac., MAc, Dipl.Ac&CH

  324. Prof. New England School of Acupunture

  325. Stowe, MA

  326. Christopher J. Hussar, DDS, DO

  327. Reno, NV

  328. Philip Incao, MD

  329. Denver, CO

  330. Robert Isaacson, PhD

  331. Distinguished professor, Binghamton University

  332. Member, 20036

  333. NAS/NRC panel on fluoride toxicity

  334. Binghamton, NY

  335. Shirley E. Jacobson, Lt. Cdr.

  336. U.S. Public Health Svc. Commissioned Corps, retired

  337. Bellingham, WA

  338. Sarah Janssen, MD, PhD

  339. Freeport, IL

  340. Frank J. Jerome, DDS

  341. Columbus, IN

  342. Alan Johnson, DDS

  343. Summerville, GA

  344. Gregory J. Johnson, DDS

  345. Richardton, ND

  346. Gerard Judd, PhD

  347. Emeritus Prof. of Chemistry

  348. Glendale, AZ

  349. Eloise W. Kailin, MD

  350. Sequin, WA

  351. Jeremiah Kaplan, MD

  352. Boulder, CO

  353. Gerald F. Karnow, MD

  354. Spring Valley, NY

  355. George Keanna, DDS

  356. Albuquerque, NM

  357. Mark Kelley, ND, CA

  358. Hamilton, MT

  359. David Kennedy, DDS

  360. San Diego, CA

  361. Robert F. Kidd, MD

  362. Renfrew, ON, Canada

  363. Wayne King, DMD

  364. Marietta, GA

  365. Anna Konopka, MD

  366. New London, NH

  367. Stephan M. Koral, DMD

  368. Boulder, CO

  369. George J. Krol, PhD

  370. Principal Scientist, Bayer Corp, retired

  371. Longmeadow, MA

  372. Lennart Krook, DVM, PhD

  373. Prof. of Pathology Emeritus, Cornell Univ.

  374. Ithaca, NY

  375. Pierre Larose, DDS

  376. Montreal, Quebec, CAN

  377. Robert W. Lavely, DMD

  378. Louisville, KY

  379. Grant H. Layton, DDS

  380. Rancho Santa Fe, CA

  381. Ed Leary, PhD

  382. Sun City Center, FL

  383. Michael LeBlanc, DDS

  384. Thibodaux, LA

  385. Terry J. Lee, DDS

  386. Phoenix, AZ

  387. Tom Lee, DDS, MPH

  388. Renton, WA

  389. Helene B. Leonetti, MD

  390. Macungie, PA

  391. Rosezella Canty Letsome, MAT, JD, LLM

  392. Chief Steward,

  393. Nat. Treasury Employees Union, Chap. 280, EPA

  394. Hyattsville, MD

  395. James B. Lewer, DDS

  396. Omaha, NE

  397. Felix Liao, DDS

  398. Riverside, RI

  399. N.J. Liebenberg, B.Eng.

  400. Mossel Bay, South Africa

  401. Donna Lieberman, DC

  402. Cortland, NY

  403. John Light, DMD

  404. Lake Worth, FL

  405. Pamela Lilly, DDS

  406. Whitefish, MT

  407. Tony Lim, DMD

  408. Paoli, PA

  409. Hardy Limeback, DDS

  410. Head, Dept.of Preventive Dentistry, Univ. of Toronto

  411. Member, 20036

  412. NAS/NRC panel on fluoride toxicity

  413. Toronto, ON, Canada

  414. Rodney Loften, DDS

  415. Fenton, MO

  416. Nola MacDonald, DO

  417. Fort Collins, CO

  418. David S. MacLean, DDS

  419. Calgary, AB, Canada

  420. Michael Margolis, DDS

  421. Mesa, AZ

  422. Lynn Margulis, PhD

  423. Dept. of Geosciences, Umass, Amherst

  424. Amherst, MA

  425. Guy Martin, DC

  426. Champlin, MN

  427. Roger D. Masters, PhD

  428. Research Professor, Dept. of Gov’t.

  429. Dartmouth College

  430. Hanover, NY

  431. Thad Mauney, PhD

  432. Analytical Chemistry

  433. Billings, MT

  434. Jim Maxey, DDS

  435. Tulsa, OK

  436. Ella M. McElwee, PhD

  437. New Enterprise, PA

  438. James McFarlane, DDS

  439. Black Forest, CO

  440. Robert E. McFerran, DDS

  441. Lakewood, CA

  442. Thomas McGarvey, DDS

  443. Laramie, WY

  444. Ellen Green McGrath, DDS

  445. Englewood, CO

  446. Carl McMillan, DMD

  447. Cary, NC

  448. John W. Melde, DDS

  449. Fountain Hills, AZ

  450. Philip Memoli, DMD

  451. Berkeley Hts, NJ

  452. Terrence Messerman, DDS

  453. Beachwood, OH

  454. Anne H. Meyer, DDS

  455. Newport, OR

  456. Henry S. Micklem, DPhil

  457. Prof. Emeritus of Immunobiology

  458. Univ. of Edinburgh

  459. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

  460. Marianne B. Miller, DC

  461. Anchorage, AK

  462. Paul S. Miller, DO, FCA

  463. Lake Oswego, OR

  464. Rosemary G. Minervini, RDH, MS

  465. Lehi, UT

  466. Ronald R. Minor, VMD, PhD

  467. Prof of Pathology

  468. Cornell University

  469. Ithaca, NY

  470. Peter Montague, PhD

  471. Director, Environmental Research Foundation

  472. Annapolis, MD

  473. Hans C. Moolenburgh, MD

  474. Haarlem, Netherlands

  475. Deborah E. Moore, PhD

  476. Exec. Director, Second Look

  477. Worcester, MA

  478. Michael J. Moore, RS, MS

  479. Director of Public Health

  480. Concord, MA

  481. Pierre Jean Morin, PhD

  482. Leclercville, Qc, Canada

  483. Shaunon Moten, DMD

  484. Willingboro, NJ

  485. Phyllis J. Mullenix, PhD

  486. Andover, MA

  487. James J. Murphy, PhD

  488. President

  489. Nat. Treasury Employees Union, Chap. 280, EPA

  490. Washington, DC

  491. Melinda J. Nadeau, JD

  492. Worcester, MA

  493. Richard P. Nalesnik, PhD

  494. EPA National Center for Environmental Research

  495. Washington, DC

  496. Stephen J. Nault, DC

  497. Worcester, MA

  498. Fred Neil, DC

  499. Bellingham, WA

  500. Jerrie Lynn Nelson, M.Ac., Lic. Nut.., RD

  501. Billings, MT

  502. Richard A. Nelson, MD

  503. Billings, MT

  504. Richard Neufeld, DDS

  505. Fullerton, CA

  506. Roshella New, RN

  507. Forest Knolls, CA

  508. Alex M Nicolson, PE

  509. Tujunga, CA

  510. Diane Nomura, DPM

  511. Honolulu, HI 96837

  512. Jean M. Nordin, DDS

  513. Groton, MA

  514. James A. Novak, MD

  515. San Diego, CA

  516. Allison Odenthal, MD

  517. Tacoma, WA

  518. Susan O’Konski, LPT

  519. USAF Colonel, retired

  520. San Antonio, TX

  521. Dian Olah, DMD

  522. El Segundo, CA

  523. Peter Orris, MD, MPH

  524. Prof. of Envir.& Health Sciences

  525. U. of Illinois, Chicago Sch. of Public Health

  526. Chicago, IL

  527. Bill Osmunson, DDS, MPH

  528. Bellevue, WA

  529. Geoff N. Pain, PhD, B.Sc (Hons)

  530. Research Fellow, 0’Connor Water Research Centre

  531. Canning Vale, Western Australia

  532. Gilles Parent, ND

  533. Coauthor

  534. of book on fluoridation

  535. St.Laurent,

  536. QC, Canada

  537. Gurdev Parmar, MD

  538. Fort Langley, BC, Canada

  539. Bekki T. Patton, DDS

  540. St. George, Utah

  541. Carol Patton, RN

  542. Jupiter, FL

  543. Michael L. Pawk, DDS

  544. Renfrew, PA

  545. Elizabeth Piela, DDS

  546. Lakewood, NJ

  547. Lawrence A. Plumlee, MD

  548. Bethesda, MD

  549. Marcia Poe, MS, RDH

  550. Belton, MO

  551. Terry K. Poth, DC

  552. Bellingham, WA

  553. Bryce W. Powell, JD

  554. Sandpoint, ID

  555. Walter W. Pressey, DDS

  556. Mississauga, ON, Canada

  557. H.L. Sam Queen, CCN, CNS

  558. President, Institute for Health Realities

  559. Colorado Springs, CO

  560. Tanya Radic, RN

  561. Cross Plains, TN

  562. Bill Ravanesi, MS, MPH

  563. Boston Campaign Director,

  564. Health Care Without Harm

  565. Longmeadow, MA

  566. James S. Ray, DC, ND

  567. Louisville, KY

  568. Leo Rebello, ND, PhD, DSc

  569. Bombay, Inda

  570. David Regiani, DDS

  571. Ortonville, MI

  572. Michael Rehme, DDS

  573. St. Louis, MO

  574. Monica Richter, MappSci

  575. Director Sustainability Projects

  576. Australian Conservation Foundation

  577. Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, Australia

  578. Mary E. Riposo, PhD

  579. Syracuse, NY

  580. Donald A. Ritzman, DDS

  581. Lodi, CA

  582. John Roberts, B.Ch.D.

  583. Huddersfield, W. Yorks, England

  584. Philip Robertson, BHSc, ND, DO

  585. Melbourne, Australia

  586. Louis Ronsivalli, MS

  587. Methuen, AM

  588. Paul G. Rubin, DDS

  589. Seattle, WA

  590. Wallace Rubin, MD

  591. Metairie, LA

  592. Austin Rust, DMD

  593. Licking MO

  594. Jessica Saepoff, DDS

  595. Issaquah, WA

  596. Eugene A. Sambatoro, DDS

  597. Ellicott City, MD

  598. David Satloff, DMD, MMS, MBA, CAGS

  599. N. Attleboro, MA

  600. Olssana Sawiak, DDS

  601. Mississauga, ON, Canada

  602. Bobby L. Scales, MD

  603. Baldwin, MI

  604. Darlene Schanfald, PhD

  605. Port Townsend, WA

  606. Paul W. Scharff, MD

  607. Spring Valley, NY

  608. Bernard Schechter, DDS

  609. Boca Raton, FL

  610. Ron Schoolman, DDS

  611. Wildwood, MO

  612. Ronald Scott, DDS

  613. Brantford, ON, Canada

  614. Beth Settle, DDS

  615. Woodland Hill, CA

  616. Bruce J. Settle, DDS

  617. Woodland Hill, CA

  618. Ruth W. Shearer, PhD

  619. Toxicology, retired

  620. Lacey, WA

  621. Jev Sikes, PhD

  622. Austin, TX

  623. Sydnor Sikes, PhD

  624. Austin, TX

  625. Joel D. Singer, DMD, FAGD

  626. Fort Lee, NJ

  627. Brian J. Smith, DDS

  628. Eureka, CA

  629. Richard J Smyth, DDS

  630. Huntsville, ON, Canada

  631. Caroline Snyder, PhD

  632. Prof. Emeritus, RIT

  633. N. Sandwich, NH

  634. Danita D. Sorenson, PhD

  635. Nevada City, CA

  636. Robert H. Sorenson, PhD

  637. Nevada City, CA

  638. Alan Sousie, RN, MEd

  639. Burlington, VT

  640. Adriana SouzaBarrientos,

  641. RDH

  642. New York, NY

  643. Bruce Spittle, MB, ChB, DPM

  644. Dunedin, New Zealand

  645. W. Gary Sprules, PhD

  646. Professor of Biology

  647. University of Toronto

  648. Mississauga, ON, Canada

  649. Mark Stabley, DDS

  650. Rochester Hills, MI

  651. Jennifer Steinbachs, PhD

  652. Dep. Director, IN Ctr. For Genomics & Bioinformatics

  653. Bloomington, IN

  654. Mark W. Steinberg, ND

  655. Bellingham, WA

  656. Robert B. Stephan, DDS

  657. Spokane, WA

  658. Anne V. Stephenson, RN

  659. Manchester, NH

  660. Diana L. StiggallEstberg,

  661. PhD

  662. Chemistry, retired

  663. Port Angeles, WA

  664. Alexandra Stockwell, MD

  665. Topsfield, MA

  666. Janet Stopka, DDS

  667. Downerts Grove, IL

  668. Anna Strunecka, RNDr, DrSc

  669. Prague, Czech Republic

  670. Nancy Sudak, MD

  671. Duluth, MN

  672. Mary Kelly Sutton, MD

  673. Keene, NH

  674. Michael Sutton, ND

  675. Fort Collins, CO

  676. Lee Swearingen, DDS

  677. East Liverpool, OH 43920

  678. Terri Swearingen, RN

  679. Exec. Dir., TriState

  680. Envir. Council

  681. 1997 Goldman Prize Recipient

  682. Chester, WV

  683. Horton Tatarian, MD

  684. St. George, UT

  685. Kathleen M. Thiessen, PhD

  686. Oak Ridge, TN

  687. Nicholas Thompson, PhD

  688. Clark Univ.

  689. Worcester, MA

  690. Lisa Toaldo, DMD

  691. Matamoras, PA

  692. Aixa TorresRaminex,

  693. DMD

  694. Cabo Rojo, P.R.

  695. Arta Vakhshoori, DDS

  696. San Jose, CA

  697. R.A.L. van der Bijl, DDS

  698. Amsterdam, Netherlands

  699. Elizabeth Vaughan, MD

  700. Greensboro, NC

  701. Robert George Veligdan, DMD

  702. Asst. Clinical Professor, Columbia Univ.

  703. New York, NY

  704. Gerald E. Vermette, DDS

  705. Skowhegan, ME

  706. Roberto Villafanta, DDS

  707. Chula Vista, CA

  708. David Villarreal, DDS

  709. Woodland Hills, CA

  710. Christian Villaume, PhD

  711. Thiavilee sur Meuthe, France

  712. William E. Virtue, DDS

  713. Yadkinville, NC

  714. Bertram Von Zabern, MD

  715. Temple, NH

  716. Gail Walsh, DC

  717. Worcester, MA

  718. Bart Walton, MAc, LAc

  719. Seattle, WA

  720. Brian P. Watson, PhD

  721. Assoc. Prof. Of Physics, St. Lawrence Univ.

  722. Canton, NY

  723. Meriel Watts, PhD

  724. Exec. Director, Soil & Health (NZ)

  725. Auckland, NZ

  726. Beverly F. Wedda, MD

  727. W. Boylston, MA

  728. Charlotte Weiland, ND

  729. Mt. Pleasant, PA

  730. Patrick Weimer, DDS

  731. Mandeville, LA

  732. Randall M. Weiner, JD

  733. Boulder, CO

  734. Dwight Welch, BS

  735. Exec. Vice President

  736. Nat. Treasury Employees Union, Chap. 280, EPA

  737. Stafford, VA

  738. Leonard L. Weldon, DDS

  739. Keene, NH

  740. Christian Wessling, MD

  741. Webster Groves, MO

  742. William Wesson, DDS

  743. Aspen, CO

  744. Raymond R. White, PhD

  745. San Francisco, CA

  746. Paul Wilke, DDS

  747. San Antonio, TX

  748. Donna Williams, DDS

  749. New York, NY

  750. Ken Wolch, DMD

  751. Toronto, ON, Canada

  752. Mae W. Woo, DDS

  753. Billings, MT

  754. Walter Wright, PhD

  755. Prof. of Philosophy, Clark Univ.

  756. Worcester, MA

  757. Ralph Yaney, MD

  758. Billings, MT

  759. Byung Yoo, DDS

  760. San Diego, CA

  761. Andrew Zakarian, DDS

  762. San Diego, CA

  763. Victor Zeines, DDS

  764. Shokan, NY

  765. Michael Ziff, DDS

  766. Sumrall, MS

  767. Sam Ziff, PhD

  768. Orlando, FL



